Responsible gaming

Responsible Gaming

Gaming is a fun and exciting form of entertainment. When combined with the casino atmosphere, it provides an even more thrilling experience.

Gambling can be an attractive option if you're willing to take risks and try your luck. As long as the risk-taking is kept under control, it can also be a safe form of entertainment. Most casino visitors enjoy gambling safely, without dire consequences for themselves. However, a proportion of people lose control over their gambling. These gamblers mistakenly believe that they can win not solely based on luck or chance, but on their knowledge, experience, or skill. Consequently, when they lose, they're convinced that luck will eventually return. Upon winning, many of these gamblers use their winnings to place further bets and, unable to accept defeat, seek to make amends. In this case, gambling can transition from a fun game to a very serious problem or even an addiction.

Check your habits

Most people view gambling as a recreational and entertaining activity, much like dancing, going out with friends, or playing video games. However, gambling can also lead to issues for some individuals. That's why it's important to evaluate and comprehend your gambling habits. If you're curious about whether your gambling habits are safe, consider taking our self-assessment test.

Take a test

Ferris, J., & Wynne, H. (2001). The Canadian problem gambling index: Final report.

NB! Please note that this test only provides an overview of the potential problems that can be caused by irresponsible gambling. A correct diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. This is a standardized PGSI (Problem Gambling Severity Index) test that is widely used by many professionals around the world to help assess whether your gambling habits are safe and problem-free. To get the most accurate assessment results, we recommend answering the following questions honestly and without dwelling too long on each one. Try to recall your gambling activities in the last 12 months, and remember that your initial response is often the most accurate.

1. During the last 12 months, have you bet more than you could really afford to lose?
2. Have you felt the need to gamble from higher amounts to experience the same thrill?
3. Have you tried to win back the money you lost on another day before?
4. Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money for gambling?
5. Have you felt that you might have a problem with gambling?
6. Has gambling caused you any health problems, including stress or anxiety?
7. Have people reproached you for gambling or told you that you had a gambling problem, whether or not you thought it was true?
8. Have you ever felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you do it?
9. Has your gambling caused any financial problems for you or your household?


To proceed, please put a score to your answers:
Never – 0 points
Sometimes – 1 point
Most of the time – 2 points
Almost always – 3 points

Then add up your scores.


Test Result:

Non-problem gambler - Score: 0
You do not have problems with your gambling.

Low-risk gambler - Score: 1 – 2
You have few or no identified negative consequences. For example, you may occasionally spend over the expected limit or feel guilty about gambling.

Moderate-risk gambler - Score: 3 – 7
You may experience a moderate level of problems leading to some negative consequences. For example, sometimes you may spend more than you can afford, lose track of time or feel guilty about gambling.

Problem gambler - Score: 8 or above
Your gambling leads to negative consequences and a possible loss of control. For example, you may often spend over your limit, gamble to win back already lost money, and feel stressed about gambling.

If you would like to get more information about responsible gaming and help options, we suggest you have a look at our Responsible Gambling page. If you are concerned by the test results, we would recommend you suspend your gambling by submitting a Self-Restriction application and to seek professional consultation.

Play responsibly

Irresponsible gambling can lead to gambling addiction for some individuals. Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or ludomania, is a mental disorder and one of the impulse control disorders. Compulsive gamblers are unable to control their impulse to gamble, even when they are aware that gambling is causing harm to themselves or their loved ones. Based on various studies, it is estimated that the number of gambling addicts ranges from 0.2% to 5%. However, it is important to understand that help is available, and a significant proportion of individuals suffering from gambling addiction can recover and lead a healthy life without gambling.

Recommendations to help ensure safe gambling:
1. Before you gamble, set yourself a clear monetary limit and time boundaries, and do not exceed them.
2. Don't try to make up for lost amounts. Trying to back lost amounts can lead to greater financial losses and even bigger problems.
3. Track your playing time and stay within the time limits you set.
4. In addition to gambling, find time for other activities. If gambling is your only entertainment, think about whether it's really worth it.
5. Take breaks between gambling sessions. If you gamble constantly, you may lose your sense of time and reality, which can lead to a loss of control and a compulsion to gamble.
6. Do not gamble if you are drunk, feeling irritated, or depressed. It can impair decision-making and lead to undesirable effects.
7. Think about how much time and money you spend on gambling.
8. Before you start to gamble, please familiarize yourself with the rules and odds of winning in these games.
9. If you notice that you suffer financial loss or emotional distress after gambling, seek necessary consultation with specialists!

Know the signs

When does a player become an addict? The disorder is defined as a persistent and repetitive pattern of gambling behavior, characterized by reduced control over gambling, an increasing preference for gambling until it takes precedence over other preoccupations and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gambling despite the onset of negative consequences. The disorder expresses itself in compulsive gambling, which makes it difficult for the individual to function in society, work, and family. The addicted gambler's life is characterized by a loss of meaning in previously held values, attitudes, or commitments, and by characteristic errors in their thinking.

There are numerous simple tests that can help identify gambling compulsion by assessing the symptoms of compulsive behavior. Signs indicating a disorder include the person's inability to stop gambling, borrowing money to gamble, and regarding money as a gaming supply rather than a means of living. Pathological gamblers may also exhibit distorted thinking (denial, superstition, feeling in control of random events, etc.). As addiction develops, money is believed to be both the cause and the solution to problems. Gamblers may be impulsive, competitive, energetic, and have difficulty calming down. They often seek the approval of others and may demonstrate a lack of generosity in winning situations. Another group of addicted gamblers experiences feelings of depression and loneliness and uses gambling as a way to escape feelings of helplessness, guilt, or depression. Almost half of those in treatment for gambling disorder have had suicidal thoughts, and one in five have attempted suicide.

It is crucial to keep in mind that signs and symptoms of compulsive gambling (gambling disorder) include:
- Being preoccupied with gambling, such as constantly planning how to gamble and looking for ways to obtain more gambling money.
- Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to experience the same thrill or when trying to make up for previous losses.
- Attempting to control, cut back, or stop gambling without success.
- Feeling anxious, worried, or irritable when attempting to reduce or refuse gambling.
- Using gambling as a means to escape or forget about problems, or to alleviate feelings of helplessness, guilt, or anxiety.
- Trying to recoup lost money.
- Lying to family members or others to conceal the extent of your gambling or the fact that you are gambling at all.
- Gambling in a way that puts your job, education, or personal relationships at risk.
- Resorting to theft or fraud to obtain gambling money or to resolve financial problems related to gambling.
- Asking others to solve your financial problems or borrowing money from credit companies.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is advisable to seek professional help. Do not attempt to solve the problem on your own, as such solutions are usually ineffective and sometimes even harmful. You don't have to face the problem alone; reach out to a trusted person in your family or circle of friends and ask for their support and assistance.

Know the myths

Below, some common myths about gambling are listed:

Myth: Gambling is a good way to make money.
Fact: Gambling should be considered an entertaining activity, akin to buying concert tickets or going out with friends. Even if you happen to win by chance, it's important not to assume that success will always be on your side.

Myth: If you gamble long enough, you will end up winning.
Fact: Almost winning in no way implies that a real victory is imminent. Previous outcomes do not influence future gambling results.

Myth: Tracking past results as you play can help you predict future outcomes.
Fact: While knowledge can aid in making informed decisions, it does not determine the end result. Past performance cannot prevent potential losses — these can occur even if the statistics seem certain.

Myth: To become a problem gambler, you must gamble every day.
Fact: A problem gambler can engage in gambling frequently or infrequently. When a person's gambling leads to psychological, financial, emotional, social, and other problems, not only for themselves but also for others, it signifies a gambling problem.

Myth: If you know a specific and effective gambling system, you are guaranteed to win.
Fact: There is no such system, despite attempts that have been made. Nevertheless, myths about such systems persist.

Know your limits

Before you start gaming, decide how much money you can spend. This helps you stay on track financially and keeps gaming fun for you.

Self exclusion

There are 3 ways to apply for self-exclusion from gambling:
- By logging in and filling in the application form electronically on the portal “Electronic Government Gateway” (address
- Physically in the Gaming Control Authority service center in Vilnius.
- At the gambling venue. A list of addresses of gambling venues where gambling organisers accept applications from persons is published on the website of the Gaming Control Authority at

More information about the restrictions on gambling could be found on Gaming Control Authority website and Gaming Supervision website:

Need help?

Always remember, it is okay to ask for help. If you feel that you need some, make sure to contact:

Help is provided by:
Gaming Control Authority
Ukmergės g. 222, Vilnius
Tel. (8-5) 233 62 41

Help Yourself is a national mental health website that provides a one-stop shop for up-to-date and reliable information about emotional health and affordable psychological support:

Consultation on problem gambling:

Centre of Consulting Psychology
Doctor Psychiatrist Vilma Andrejauskienė
Tel.: +37065200157


Help others

To avoid problem gambling, players are recommended to set certain gaming limits for themselves, such as "no longer than an hour," "no more than X Euros," etc. If you think that a person has gambling problems, be advised that it is possible to make a written request restricting their ability to participate in gambling. It is advisable to seek professional help because dealing with this problem on your own is usually impossible. Support from family and friends is also vital because compulsive gamblers generally cannot reach out and look for professional help.

If you’ve noticed signs of a gambling problem in a friend or family member, try to encourage them to seek help from professionals:

Help is provided by:

Gaming Control Authority
Ukmergės g. 222, Vilnius
Tel. (8-5) 233 62 41

Help Yourself is a national mental health website that provides a one-stop shop for up-to-date and reliable information about emotional health and affordable psychological support:

Consultation on problem gambling:

Centre of Consulting Psychology
Doctor Psychiatrist Vilma Andrejauskienė
Tel.: +37065200157