Olympic Casino Lietuva dealer Andrius Latvėnas is a finalist in the European Dealer Championship!
On 01 05 2019, the European Dealer Championship, which is organised annually by the European Casino Association, took place in Tallinn. 38 participants from 20 countries competed for the title for the first time. The dealers were judged on different criteria: technical skills, control of the game, hospitality, etc.

Only a good dealer can ensure a smooth gambling process and accurate mathematical calculations, be welcoming and friendly towards the guest and provide the best casino experience.
For the first time, the Lithuanian representative became a finalist. We would like to congratulate our team member Andrius Latvėnas, employee of Olympic Casino Lietuva in Vilnius. We are happy to have such employees among us who perform their daily work flawlessly and do not lack inspiration when it comes to achieving the best results.